All aspects of business enterprise are governed by laws and regulations. At The Law Offices of Richard Corey, PLLC., we have a firm belief in capitalism, entrepreneurship, and sound business practice. When it comes to your business, the task of choosing the right legal counsel cannot be taken lightly. Whether it’s choosing the appropriate business entity for a new start up, or negotiating and enforcing that sales contract, our firm takes pride in facilitating capital growth. Our experience in the business arena involves risk minimization, new venture optimization, brand management and contractual enforcement. Not only are we dedicated to serving our clients and perspective clients in a legal capacity, we can guarantee that our trademarked business model will act as the blue-print for taking the most calculated and precise steps into the future no matter what the objective. Schedule an appointment now for more information.

Business Law
All aspects of business enterprise are governed by laws and regulations.
At the Law Offices of Richard Corey, we have a firm belief in capitalism, entrepreneurship, and sound business practice.
When it comes to your business, the task of choosing the right legal counsel cannot be taken lightly.
Whether its choosing the appropriate business entity for a new start up, or negotiating and enforcing that sales contract, our firm takes pride in facilitating capital growth. Our experience in the business arena involves risk minimization, new venture optimization, brand management, and contractual enforcement.
Richard Corey has been recognized as a top business attorney in Florida by Super Lawyers Magazine for three consecutive years.
Not only are we dedicated to serving our clients and perspective clients in a legal capacity, we can guarantee that our trademarked business model will act as the blue-print for taking the most calculated and precise steps into the future no matter what the objective. Schedule an appointment now for more information.
Partnership Agreements
When going into business with another person or entity, the partnership agreement outlines the terms of the relationship. Amongst other things, It covers capital contributions, profits and losses, dissociation and admission of additional partners to the venture.
Limited Liability Agreements
A form of partnership agreement that specifically covers limited liability companies.
The terms of this agreement must be carefully negotiated and implemented so as to ensure the most effective execution of the LLC’s business operation. Florida has recently revised its Uniform Limited Liability Act. Make sure your company is up to date with all the newest changes in the law.
Shareholder Agreements
This Agreement covers the relationship between the shareholders of a corporation.
It governs the purchase and sale of stock, the valuation of interests and the admission of additional shareholders. Ultimately, the Shareholder Agreement sets the protocol for shareholder relations, a very important document that cannot be overlooked.
Licensing Agreements
When a business owns an asset and another person or entity wishes to license that asset, whether tangible or intangible intellectual property, the License Agreement governs the terms of the license granted to the licensee by the asset owner. This agreement outlines the compensation paid by the licensee and the terms of the licensee’s use of the asset or technology.
The License Agreement is just as much an asset to the Licensor as the licensed asset itself because it outlines the relationship of all parties involved and must be carefully negotiated and drafted.
Loan Agreements
Documents carefully drafted regarding the terms and conditions of the loan.
This could involve both debt and equity exchange, personal guarantees, collateral, interest payments, and lump sum disbursements. Whether you are loaning or borrowing money, you need to have a very clear picture of the responsibilities and requirements of the deal terms.
Joint Ventures
A joint venture is a commercial enterprise undertaken by two or more parties who retain distinct separation of each of their respective entities but likewise share in the profits and losses of the joint undertaking. This is a very common relationship in the business world. It allows two separate companies to “join forces” on a specific endeavor but does not include an ownership interest exchange in either party’s business.
We are happy to negotiate and draft the Joint Venture Agreement so that all parties involved know exactly what is expected of them so as to maximize the commercial success of the joint venture.